Thank you and congratulations to all below who attended the CFSE training program and passed the exam!
Larry Koman
Mark Partain
Chris Gutierrez
Robert McNealy
Justin Stewart
Mikala Anuhea Gillis
Steven Yamashita
Beth Moses
Michael Lawler
Bill Zoetvelt
Andrew Campbell
Bryan Durig
Traci Campbell
Eris J. Barillas
Dolan Williams
Kenneth Goodwin
David Gill
Bill King
Russell Kendzior
Chip Darious
Brent Johnson
John Peterson
How is it that on the same slip and fall claim, one expert opines the floor is safe for ambulation, and another states the floor is slippery and caused the fall? The answer is not so obvious, but the scenario is very common, creating liability when there may be none. Experts should be trusted, but at times, even they are unknowingly in the dark. Slips, trips, and falls account for over 25% of all injuries across all industries. Slip and fall litigation is second only to vehicle collisions, creating a high demand for experts in the slip and trip arena to provide attorneys and insurance companies with an efficient resolution for their clients. However, most approaches to this discipline will not stand up to the rigors of litigation. Different tribometers yield different COF values for a given surface, making it difficult for experts to know which standards and methodologies to follow.
A two-day Certified Forensic Slip Expert (CFSE) certificate program taking place in Irvine, California, in early 2024, this seminar equipped experts with practical tools to overcome conflicting and confusing standards, antiquated and poorly designed tools of the trade and vested interests that have created our current battle-of-the-experts climate. It is designed for experts, claims professionals, attorneys, and judges, and is offered by the National Institute of Forensic Studies, a provider of technical training for the legal, claims, and expert industry.
Welcome and introduction
History of Slip and Fall Analysis and Current Conditions
A New Approach to Friction Measurements
The Definition and Science of Tribometry
Human Factors, Slips, Trips, Missteps and Their Consequences
Physics in tribometry, the Good, Bad and Ugly
Tribometer Demonstrations and Comparisons
Case Studies
Building Codes for Safe Ambulation
Retail Safety Requirements, Standards and Practices
Flooring Systems Defined
Why they Fail, Safety Design, Maintenance
Evolution of the Standards
Historical development, current and withdrawn, which and when to apply
Biomechanics and Injury Causation in Slips and Falls
Understanding the Legal Strategy and Hurdles
Chip Darius, OHST, CIT, CSHO
Marc Firestone, PHD
David Hawkins, PhD
Brent Johnson, WACH
Hank Koffman, PE
John Madsen, Esq.
John Peterson, CSHM, WACH
Mark Ramos, WACH
Bill King, Director of the National Institute of Forensic Studies and CEO of Impact General, Inc.
Fred Johnson Ph.D., Mark Ramos, John Peterson