We offer a number of specialized services for the legal and insurance communities.
Collision Reconstruction & Injury Cause Analysis
Automotive failures and collisions occur for a reason. Though we like to call them accidents, there is always a responsible party or parties. When the question of liability is your concern, whether it be who ran a red light or why did a vehicle catch fire, Impact General understands the need for definitive answers.
Auto vs. Pedestrian
Articulated Vehicles
Biomechanics (See Biomechanics and Injury Causation)
Computer Simulation
Crash Data Recovery ("Black Box" Technology)
Heavy Equipment
Low-Speed Collisions Motorcycles
Occupant Kinematics Photogrammetry
Paint Transfer
Scene Inspections
Skid Mark Analysis
Traffic Safety
Auto Body Repair Analysis Component Failures
Fire Cause and Origin
Laboratory Analysis (Oils, Fluids)
Manufacturing Defects
Mechanical Repair Analysis
Metallurgy (Microscopy)
Theft Determination
Tire Failure
Biomechanics & Injury Causation
When it is necessary to determine whether or not a claimed injury is consistent with the claimed incident, biomechanics is playing a powerful role in today's insurance and legal industries. Biomechanics is ideal for cases involving low-speed collision injuries, slip/trip and falls, soft-tissue injuries, repetitive motion injuries, and various workers compensation claims.
Environmental & Industrial Hygiene
Whether the need involves a complex industrial loss or a homeowner claim of mold infestation and bodily injury, We can effectively handle your case employing the following methodology: - Identify the cause of loss (subrogation) - Identify the type of environmental concern - Evaluate toxicology and possible toxic impact of contamination - Access level of risk - Evaluate the claimed injury to determine if consistent with the incident - Make recommendations for safe and cost-effective remediation - Expert witness testimony When a loss does occur, our team of experts can reconstruct to determine exactly what happened and the responsible party.
Indoor Air Quality (Commercial/Public Building)
Air Quality Residential (Mold/Mildew)
Industrial Hygiene and Health
Health and Safety Audits
Medical Review/Injury Analysis
Training Ergonomic Programs
Lab Analysis
Regulatory Compliance
Remediation Recommendations
Risk Communication
Mechanical Failure Analysis
HVAC Analysis
Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH)
Toxicologists (DABT)
Registered Environmental Assessors
Industrial/Occupational Medicine
Certified Safety Professionals
Occupational Health Nurses
Professional Engineers (see Property Failures)
Property Loss & Product/Equipment Failure Analyses
Property-failure analyses are among the most difficult in forensics because of the wide array of case types and seemingly unrelated and complex causal factors. Our business philosophy makes it simple... Successful expert retention is based, in part, on the selection process. We live in an era of specialization. Our panel of experts represents many disciplines to ensure getting the right expert for the specific assignment. This concept, coupled with our businesslike approach to case handling, ensures consistent job performance, timeliness, communication and cost containment on every case. Initial discussion, no obligation.
Appliance Failure
Arborist Architecture
Building and Engineering Code/Safety
Biochemical Analysis
Chemical Analysis
Civil Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Elevator Mechanics/Maintenance
Engineering Explosions
Fire Origin & Cause
Fire Protection Systems
Geotechnical Engineering
Hose/Line Failures
Industrial Hygiene
Industrial Machinery
Landfill Contamination
Materials Testing
Mechanical Engineering
Metallurgical Analysis
Mold Analysis
OSHA (State/Federal)
Pipeline Safety
Roofing Safety
Slip/Trip and Falls
Structural Engineering
Toxic Hazards/Waste
Water Intrusion
Safety Analyses
Creating a safe work environment is simply good business. Our safety specialists have a comprehensive blend of qualifications and experience to effectively identify and minimize hazards in the workplace. Our consulting team consists of professional engineers, industrial engineers, architects, safety professionals, certified industrial hygienists, ergonomic experts and other specialists able to handle your unique environment.
ADA Compliance - providing protection for CA businesses from Predatory American Disabilities Act lawsuits
Building Code Compliance
Certified Access Specialist program (CASp)
Comprehensive Ergonomic Evaluations
Code Compliance (State & Federal)
Heavy Equipment Handling
Environmental Assessments
Forensic Analysis Support
Safety Audit
Safety Training
Safety Committee Participation
SB 326 & 721 Inspections
Slip, Trip, & Fall Analysis
Slip & Fall Analysis
Learn more about the slip & fall analyses and Impact General's use of the GS-1 Slip Meter.