Impact General and So Ca Deck Inspections
Impact General and So Ca Deck Inspections provide thorough inspections and signed final reports for complete and competent compliance with SB 326 for Condominiums & SB 721 for Apartments.
These two California balcony laws were designed to prevent future collapses by ensuring the structural stability of condominium decks, balconies, and walkways. The law applies to all HOAs or condominium complexes with at least three attached units and similarly constructed apartment buildings.
As a forensic consulting company since 1977, Impact General’s focus has been to determine the cause of failure. We have amassed over 55,000 cases worth of experience in this arena. Under SB 326 and 721, we will take that same critical analysis technique but apply it to prevention.
From our initial no-obligation pre-inspection consultation to our final analysis and report, we ensure that the process is seamless and understandable for both the HOA, and Property Owners.
Our professional licensed architects, structural engineers and contractors, treat your property with respect throughout the entire process. We leave your property looking just as good as it did before our team arrived.
Our inspection reports are clear and concise, providing you with all the information you need to understand the results of the inspection.
We offer follow-up assistance to ensure that the HOA/property owner has all the information they need and to answer any questions that may arise.
To ensure you understand the results of your inspection, our expert inspectors provide easy-to-read reports that provide the critical information for any additional required steps. Our digital reports can be updated to reflect completed repairs and future inspections.
Our non-invasive inspection methods allow us to evaluate your EEEs internal structure with good certainty.
Impact General has over 45 years of experience in the forensics/construction industry.
Under SB 326, HOA’s must undergo safety inspections every nine years and every six years for SB 721. Our commitment to our clients and longevity in the industry ensures that we will be there for you. Our systems are efficient and accurate, saving you time and money.
Site Visit - At no cost to the Property Owner/HOA, and prior to presenting a proposal, we visit the site and evaluate the development/building(s) types to determine the type of construction, general condition of the property. We use photos, provided site plans and Google Earth Imagery to document the property and use it in developing a proposal that is accurate.
We then develop a statistical analysis to determine the number of elements required to be inspected to meet the state mandated confidence levels. We run a standard and a stratified analysis depending on the type of elements to be inspected and that helps us choose the most economical quantities. At that point we can provide you with a proposal that covers all the needs without any changes.
A proposal is then drafted up and submitted for review with recommendations for occupant notifications, inspection guidelines, and scheduling options.
After accepting the proposal, we work with the property owner, management company or the HOA to identify the units/decks and other EEEs to be inspected. A list of the units is generated along with inspection date(s) and the notice process for access begins.
Our inspection services have been designed with the homeowner and HOA in mind. We use “in house” crews to access the properties from the exterior when possible. This means that, in most cases, homeowner presence will not be required. When interior access is necessary, we use protection footwear and masks if requested. We set up a daily schedule and our experience insures we are available at the scheduled time. All homeowners/occupants are provided with our contact number so they can call and confirm our onsite location. Typically, property management personnel are not required to be on site, but we appreciate being able to contact them should the need arise. After our inspections, if a Phase Two investigation is recommended, we make sure our inspection holes are patched and, if paint is provided, we paint them to match.
No problems identified in the subject area.
No action required.
Maintenance is needed but the issue is not presently a threat to health or safety.
We will make a recommendation to the property owner/HOA to deal with in their maintenance program.
Repairs should be addressed as soon as possible.
Repairs must be completed/permitted in 120 days. 120 day followup. Subject to penalties after 180 dass.
Property owner/HOA is immediately notified and the subject area is cordoned off.
Appropriate entities notified. 15 days to be actionable on repairs. Repairs must be inspected & permitted.
If a balcony or EEE is deemed to need further investigation from a Phase One Visual Inspection, the next step is a Non-Invasive Investigation.
What Methods and Instruments are Used During Phase Two Investigations?
Endoscopic Tests - Our commitment to avoid destructive and additional costs by using endoscopes to evaluate the internal structure of your EEE. Instead, we bore a small ½” hole into the underside of your EEE and use an endoscopic camera to inspect the condition of the interior wood elements. This quick, and accurate inspection tactic will not weaken or compromise the EEE.
Moisture Sensors - Moisture is one of the leading problems for wood decks, balconies, and other EEEs. To check for moisture intrusion, we use advanced moisture sensors to pinpoint and identify dry rot and assess the level of maintenance and repairs needed.
Infrared Cameras - We use infrared cameras to assess the wood’s structural integrity and identify early signs of dry rot and moisture intrusion in uncovered wood elements.
If as a result of the Phase I and Phase II inspections, a structural integrity concern and threat of personal or property safety has been identified, additional destructive testing for better visual inspection may be required. Additionally, a thorough analysis by one of our structural engineers is completed and a report with recommendations for the repairs is provided.

After the final inspection, we begin to tabulate the inspection data and photos into an inspection report that meets the requirements of SB 326 & 721. We develop a matrix based upon our observations establishing in our opinion the severity of any water intrusion/damage observed and estimate a service life expectancy as required by law. Our reports are written with the HOA/owner in mind. The format is clear and concise and can be used as a guide for priority repairs as well as future needs. Site photos which can be used to get preliminary costs to repair are in the report. The report is to be finalized in two to three weeks after the field investigation(s) is completed.
All Phase One inspections are legal documented SB 326 & SB 721 reports that are certified and stamped by a licensed architect or structural engineer.
Our interactive reports are available in PDF format and can be used/added to for future reporting The digital reports can be updated to reflect completed repairs and provide real-time images of your property. This convenient feature saves you from paying for a new report every six years and allows us to provide better service to you.